Jahnava Devi is an initiate disciples of HH Dhanurdhara Swami. She is the co-founder of Brij productions and producer of the ground breaking film, Women of Bhakti. She is both a teacher, and life-long student of Bhakti yoga. Having practiced yoga from an early age, and studied and taught in India for many years, Jahnava is passionate about sharing the wisdom of yoga, health, and spirituality that has nourished and enriched her life. Her service is to help people imbibe yoga practices and principles in a way that transforms their hearts, awakens compassion and empowers them to be the change they want to see in the world. Jahnava devi resides in Sri Mayapur Dham, West Bengal, India with her husband Mahatma Das and daughter Brajasundari ten months a year, where they teach, meditate, chant, serve and facilitate sacred pilgrimages. In the summers they travel the world sharing bhakti at retreats and workshops. |