Radha Gopinath Prabhu• With a dedicated commitment spanning over 35 years (since joining in 1988), Rādhā Gopināth Dāsa is a sincere follower of the Krishna Conscious movement and a disciple of HH Radhanath Swami.
• He holds the esteemed position of President at the Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir, ISKCON, Mumbai, India.
• He holds a vital role within the Leadership Council (LC) of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir, Mumbai.
• He is responsible for the counsellor system and holds the position of In-Charge of the CDD (Congregation Development Department).
• He takes personal interest in nurturing valzue-based education at Gopal’s garden.
• Academically accomplished, he possesses a Master’s Degree in Voice and Speech Therapy from Karnataka State, India.
• His transformative influence is evident through the well-received 7-day Gita Course, known as “Journey of Self-discovery (JOSD),” touching and transforming numerous lives.
• His enlightening discourses, especially his impactful seminar on Srimad Bhagavad Gita, titled ‘The Journey of Self Discovery,’ have led to remarkable transformations.
• He is a regular speaker, spreading wisdom in various parts of Mumbai.
• He played a pivotal role in cultivating a thriving congregation of over 450 devotees in Kolhapur, India, and continues to guide and support them.
• He responds to invitations from the ISKCON Devotee Care Committee to impart seminars on establishing Devotee care systems* in local ISKCON temples, and his expertise is highly sought after.
• Overall, he stands as one of the most esteemed and revered figures among devotees.

Audio of Radha Gopinath Prabhu Audio of Radha Gopinath Prabhu Video of Radha Gopinath Prabhu Videos of Radha Gopinath Prabhu